新一轮科技革命和产业变革正加速演进,创新发展、合作共赢是大势所趋。推动科技领域的合作,不仅将是推进社会共同进步的纽带,也是维护人民生命健康安全、文明延续的重要保障。 知识产权已成为国家间经济、文化等竞争的工具,是国家软实力和硬实力的综合体现。企业是市场经济的主体,知识产权是创新发展的动能。 为企业做好知识产权申请、转让服务
We have worked together for three years to make intellectual property planning for our company and make its development more targeted and organized. The platform is very professional. 合作有三年,都为我们公司做好知识产权规划,让公司的开发更有针对性和条理性。知识产权服务平台非常专业。
We make quite a few products. Every year, we apply for trademark registration. They can solve it all at once. Very professional. Very fast. 我们做的产品比较多,每年都会申请商标注册,在他们(知识产权服务)这里都能一次性解决,非常专业、非常快捷。
They can help companies make comprehensive planning for patents and trademarks. Especially the patent layout. It allows us to quickly establish our own patent barriers and protect our technology.他们能帮助公司做专利、商标的全面规划。特别是专利布局,能让我们快速建立自己的专利壁垒,保护我们的技术。
We are external researchers from the company, and we don't understand many policies. They can help us apply for patent subsidies while applying for patents, allowing us to have more funding to continue research. Thank you.我们是公司外聘的研究员,很多政策都不懂。他们能够帮助我们申请专利的同时申请相关的专利补贴,让我们有更多经费继续做研究。非常感谢!